The booster is the Mark of the Beast. The vaccine is the Mark of the Beast. The test is the Mark of the Beast. Interior Locution 09/01/21 Jesus to Michele Shannon In Adoration while saying the Rosary, He repeated this three times.
On the matter of loved ones having taken the Mark and your concerns over this, you must let go of these concerns and focus only on Me, your Jesus. Your fears do not come from Me, the spirit of evil manipulates you. I am telling you focus on Me your love for Me and trusting […]
I know much in your world is bothering you. What you need to do is take yourself deeper into My world. Jesus Interior Locution 03/14/21 Jesus to Michele Shannon
Continue ReadingThey Belong to the Devil
You are right, they belong to the Devil, why would you want to associate with people like that. They will truly be miserable and they will make those around them miserable. If at all possible remove them from your life; but not everyone can do that I know this. That is all Michele. Jesus (And […]
Continue ReadingIt’s Coming
It’s coming, it’s coming, change. Many are coming home. Prepare your souls for transition. Jesus Interior Locution 10/04/20 Jesus to Michele Shannon
Continue ReadingWhen to Leave
There are many changes in the Mass. I did not lead them on this. I am not happy about this at all. You are right, they follow the Government who follows the Beast. Remember what it was My Father said, when He instructed you to “come out” of the last place? Self: (I responded) “I […]
Continue ReadingHow You Will Handle This
These people were given free will. We need to leave them to it. I gave you free will did I not? They have chosen poorly. They trusted in a man; yes, a man much like them, this is correct. This is about how you will handle this. Those who made poor choices have consequences and […]
Continue ReadingKeep Looking Toward The Light
Keep looking toward the light, which is in my Sacred Heart. It is the light of My Father and My Mother that are in My Heart. It is our love for you that lights the way. Interior Locution 08/09/20 Jesus to Michele Shannon
Continue ReadingThe Fire Is Coming
I am here with you now and I have word. Let us begin, the other watchmen have heard and you are hearing from Me as well. I have much to say and there is much to fear because the Spirit of Evil is in a fury and the madness has begun. That is nothing in […]
Continue ReadingAll I Ever Wanted
Tell them all I ever wanted was to love them. All I ever wanted was for them to turn to Me. All I ever wanted was for them to say they were sorry, (and) ask Me to forgive them. All I ever wanted was for them to accept My Love and Mercy. If they knew […]
Continue ReadingWindows Are Going to Close
Windows are going to close, like lock down in a panic room. People, souls will be locked in and alone with their sins. Yes child, forced to be alone with their sins. Tell everyone the time has come to get on your knees. Choices are being made right now for all eternity. Child, souls will […]
Continue ReadingPray For the Lost
Much is happening in your world and you are very aware that there is little time. Know this, between now and the time I come as your Just Judge few hearts will change, it is now for My faithful Remnant to pray for the Mercy of those hardened hearts. Father has come to the end […]
Continue ReadingMother’s Day
We are alone Michele and I want you to write. You want to speak on Mother’s Day, it is an important day. It is an important subject, the love of a mother. My Mother’s love meant everything to Me. Her love was pure, honest, and selfless. Most important it came with an understanding that the […]
Continue ReadingSoon We Will Begin Again
I want to tell you that the world is going to change soon. Do not become so caught up in life that you forget what I am preparing you for. You will witness in your life what no other generation has seen. You will be given amazing opportunity to change the course of the souls […]
PERSONAL MESSAGE TO MICHELE SHANNON INTERIOR LOCUTION 3/24/2018 FROM GOD THE FATHER It is about your divorce; you are feeling guilty, yet leaving him was out of obedience. Using logic, as you often say, as opposed to being emotional, you know then this is not a reason to feel guilty. You know also you must […]
It has been awhile, you have missed our time together in this way. Your soul and the souls of others hunger for Me, this is good. You are in this place, mystery and light; love and life, eternal life are waiting for you, all of you who hunger for Me. Yes, I am wooing My […]
Continue ReadingTime Is Up
Time is up. Please write this Michele, the days that are left are numbered. I am coming for My Bride, The Church. The day is at hand. I came to love you; with My Mercy, which is love. I am here for you because of My Father, The Father to us all sent Me to […]
I am here with you now. It is a long journey, a long road you have taken and a bit more to go. Following in My ways, following on this path is much like walking in the thickets with many thorns and briers. Yet happily you go, \”all in a day\’s work\” you say and […]
Michele, I am speaking to you from the heart. Your love for Me is real, I can see that. Your willingness to suffer in My Name is how I know you truly love Me. I have asked a lot of you in this life. Yes, you have complained but you still suffered with love and […]
Continue ReadingHoly Thurs. 2017
This was at the evening Adoration before they took the Eucharist away at 12:00PM for Good Friday. I remained with Jesus until they took him away. As I completed the Rosary I prayed this prayer, \”Pray for us on Holy Mother of God that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.\” Jesus […]
Now, let us talk about what is happening in your world. The world is in chaos and it will remain this way for some time; it is going to get worse, much worse. You have done as I have asked you, you have stepped back from the world. You and those of the Remnant who […]
Continue ReadingISOLATION
Let us begin, so much to say to My Most Holy Remnant. There are so many of you and I want to ask that My Holy Word be spread. You are now in these Holy Days of Lent. Many of you have received the ashes on your forehead. As Satan is making the final preparations […]
Michele, I am ready to speak to you, there is much to say and little time; time is running out. There is barely time to convert more souls before The Warning, now time is better spent on prayers of conversion. Your prayers are more powerful than your words at this time. This is for all […]
In your world there is much confusion, which is causing and creating division. Soon the world will see things much more clearly. Now is a time for prayer and all prayer warriors much pray in earnest, pray unceasingly, set aside all differences and seek refuge in my sacred heart and the Sacred Heart of my […]
Continue ReadingThe Vigil
Michele, I want to speak to the Remnant through you today. Most are getting tired, often the Holidays wear one down but this year is different it is \”the world.\” People, My Remnant in particular are getting tired, they are tired of the world. In some ways this is good, you are ready to return […]
Continue ReadingREMNANT ALERT
There is little time left before many of the events will begin. Tensions are high the demon and his evil minions will be very busy, I am putting My Remnant on alert! You will notice the behavior of those around you change and not for the better. Pray for them, they need your prayers. While […]
I want you to know I fully understand how difficult this is, living in these times. And you are right, sometimes it is necessary to shut out the world and retreat to your interior life. Very few people, souls do this; spend time alone with Me and remain focused on your mission of Salvation. Few […]
Continue ReadingBe Ready For Anything
There is so much chatter among my Holy Remnant, over so many things that it is impossible for Me to clarify or straighten out any errors in interpretation. I know often times many come to you for these things. Avoid this when you can and I would say most often you do. Remind all My […]
Continue ReadingBehold Thy Mother
Jesus? Yes Michele, I have heard you pleas for knowledge, I am here with wisdom and word. You are right, I did request that My followers behold thy Mother and yes this meant I want you to love and honor her. I know it concerns you a great deal that many of those who follow […]
Continue ReadingPrayer, bring it on!
I know you love Me, it means everything to Me that you do. My Father, the Father to us all is angry with the wickedness of your world. The sins of man bring me a great deal of sadness more than My Mother and I can bear at times. It is you that brings me […]
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